Mixed in key donwload
Mixed in key donwload

mixed in key donwload

The lack of many graphical elements is somehow underlined by the presence of a very rarely met tab: "feedback". because for such a program a DOS-like appearance could have been sufficient. It is already wonderful that it has a "face". But skinning for such a software may seem a totally futile thing, since its use is strictly for analyzing a track's pitch. I really can't imagine what more could it receive ? apart from a potential total XP-style, three-dimensional buttons and maybe, some skins. Rather Spartan due to its very few buttons and tabs, the UI is nevertheless perfect for what the software does. Mixed In Key's graphical user interface is as simple as it gets. After all, every DJ CD console has the large pitch-changer fader and it's not there just because it looks nice :) Mixed In Key provides even more help: even if you have to mix two tracks that have different keys, it lets you know what that difference is, so you can eventually alter one track's pitch just to bring it to a certain key you'd need and then - later on during that song - come back to the original pitch. Basically, this program helps you identify songs with the same or harmonic musical keys. By analyzing the key of a certain tune, Mixed In Key gives you the opportunity to choose the right following song, so when the first one ends no disharmonic sound is heard. That's the moment when a software like Mixed In Key makes its presence highly needed.

mixed in key donwload mixed in key donwload

But there is also a "natural" thing to it: for some DJs, hearing the right tune of a track and matching it to another in the same or a harmonic key it's an easy task.įor others though, it is rather hard to quickly "hear" the perfect tune of an ending track and set the next one, so that they can crossfade-mix them, or even mix-on-BPM them.

mixed in key donwload

Well, I guess both parties are right: mixing is a skill that has to be developed and must also be hard-worked. For some it may seem as natural as flight for birds, for others it may look like something for the utmost skilled and almost impossible.

Mixed in key donwload